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Welcome to my four-part Men’s Lifestyle series, where each week I’ll be introducing you to an individual that I believe every gent should have in their life. Each will offer unique advice and tips in their area of expertise. Hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

Meet the Skin Coach

Since leaving school and not having to purchase my monthly Oxy10 cream, the totality of my skincare regimen has been waltzing into Clicks, and purchasing one of the cheapest face washes, and using it once a day. Then occasionally moisturizing, again with the cheapest product I could find. Fast forward a couple years: a combination of having neglected my skin for so long, and a new career that meant I was in the often appearing in the media, I needed to up my game.

I’d heard of the brand Dermalogica, and decided it was time to pay them a visit. At the V & A Watefront I met Roxanne, one of the consultants, and you can watch the video below to see what I learnt!

My New Routine

Step 1. Special Cleansing Gel
First comes the cleansing. The Daily Cleanser removes remaining residues from the skin, and anything that prevents your moisturizer from working properly. See it as your soap replacer. Using many of the shelf washes, or shower gels as a cleanser, can be an issue as many are highly acidic and strip away your skins natural hydration. As a result your skin then produces more oil – essentially going into defense mode – leading to skin breakouts.
Application: Whilst showering, add small amount of product with water, and create a foam. That’s the great thing about Dermologica – a small amount of product, and a lot of water, and what’s great is because the products are not acid based, they don’t burn your eyes at all, and the bonus is you can also shave with it chaps!

Step 2. Daily Microfoliant
This is the skin changer – the element of exfoliation that resurfaces the skin, and helps bring up oxygen and nutrients. It improves the luminosity and glow of your skin! Many microfoliants on the market contain micro granules – and these can actually be harmful to the skin, causing more damage than good. The Dermalogica option has soluble granules ensuring maximum skin care.
Application: Wet the hands, mix in some powder until a little foam forms with no granules. You then work it over your skin for 30 seconds. After, wash it off with warm water. In my case, I only need to do this once every three days.
Step 3: Skin Smoothing Cream
This is your everyday moisturizer, hydrating and nourishing the skin to ensure its health – and smooth texture, and also preventing natural moisture loss from the skin.
Application: after showering, you apply a small amount of moisturizer to ensure the skin survives the day, or helps recover whilst sleeping.

It’s now been just over two weeks into my new skin regime and borrowing a phrase from that fast food jaunt, I’m lovin it. I’ve taken to it like a duck to water and already seeing the difference. Thanks Dermalogica!
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Other Posts in this series:
Meet the Barber | Meet the Personal Trainer  | Meet the Stylist

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